Monday, March 24, 2008

Smoker Term Life Insurance Policy: Learn How to Get the Best Rates

A life insurance high risk policy for smokers is readily available. The key to getting the best policy is in finding the best rates. Smokers routinely pay two to three times more for their coverage than non-smokers, so comparison shopping makes sense. American Life Direct offers low rates on any smoker term life insurance policy. We can get you covered within minutes with no physical exam.

Insurance companies use different criteria to determine if you qualify for a smoker's rate. In some cases, a person who has not smoked in five years can still be considered a smoker and be charged accordingly. American Direct Life only needs to know if you are currently a smoker or have used tobacco products in the last 12 months. You need only give us this information to start the process of getting your preferred smoker term life insurance policy.

Just a few minutes of your time can provide you with $25,000 to $150,000 in term life protection. As a smoker, you know how important it is to secure the future for your loved ones. American Life Direct offers you a quick and easy way to get the peace of mind that a smoker term life insurance policy affords.

If you are a smoker and you want a better option for finding affordable life insurance high risk rates, contact American Life Direct. Visit our easy-to-navigate site for quick quotes and information about which smoker term life insurance policy may be right for you. Simplify your life with the convenience of instant coverage with American Life Direct.